Self-Driving - Lane Detection
Self-Driving - Lane Detection: program to detect lanes in a video
Version 1.0:
- Added smoothness of the average line between frames, to make the average line much more stable
Version 0.9:
- Added a average of all the lines, as a single line in the video
Version 0.85:
- Increase the quality of lines predicted by dilating the frame after canny function, which increases the width of the foreground objects making it easier to capture lines
Version 0.8:
- Improve lines detection, using improved parameters values for HoughLInesP
Version 0.5:
Every frame from the video:
- is turned into grey-scale version using cv2.cvtColor function
- Finds edges in the frame using the [Canny86] algorithm by computing gradient, to identify change in pixels
- Using region_wants function discards the non-important areas of the frame for lane detection
- cv2.HoughLinesP to detect different lines passing through points detected by canny method
- Draw these lines on blank image of frame’s size
- Use cv2.addWeighted function, to combine the original frame and empty image with drawn lines
Github Repository - Self-Driving