
Description: Long time ago there was a mouse name “Mouse”, one day he decided to buy a lottery ticket, then all of a sudden he (because he was a male) saw something, “a frenzy”, “a hell”, “a death trap” aahhhhhhhhh. But he also noticed, a sure way (or atleast can increase chances) of winning a lottery, “A FORTUNE COOKIE”. All of sudden a big noise emerges guuuuddddhhhhhh, he frightened first and then he realized it was his tummy.

Now he got to make a decision, ‘ take a risk of death and try to win millions of dollars’ or hmmmmm may be nothing. He made a decision Guys, he is going for it, Now just help him because he is nothing without you.

Use arrow keys to move him and reach for GLORRYYYYY and remember everyone wants to eat him(Even the Ghost, yeah you read it right “The Ghost”) and yeah he will buy lottery ticket later, so don’t worry about that.

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Delhi, India